BCX Network Managements Tools

Users and Computers
Users and Computers
Importing Multiple Users
You can import multiple users at the same time easily. Just click 'Add New' on the ribbon and click 'Multiple User Import'

You will then see this window

You can either type in the names yourself manually and let it generate the username automatically, or import them from a CSV.
Override the automatic description and username by pressing the appropriate buttons.

If the last 2 columns are the CSV are populated with data, the import wizard will see this and ask you if you want to override them.
There is no way to override other settings from the template mask from this window. You would have to change the template to suit.
If any duplicates or errors are detected, you will be given a chance to go back and correct them and retry the import again.

BCX Documentation - Last Updated 18/11/2019

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