From the folder you extracted the download to, open the settings.xml in notepad and configure the
following settings as desired:
AllowBlankPW – true or false – Allows a user to set a blank password (clear password)
AllowUserMustChangeOnLogon – true or false – Allows a user to check the user must change password on
next logon box
AutoComplete – true or false – Autocomplete the username as the user starts to type
AllowLookup – true or false – Displays the Lookup button to search for username by surname, forename
ConfirmDisplayName – true or false – Gets the display name from the user object and asks user to confirm
it is correct,
before completing the password change. (E.g. where username is number)
AutoCompleteLDAPPath – RootDomain or LDAP Path – If configured sets the auto complete to only
autocomplete usernames from a specific root OU,
e.g. Students, and example would be LDAP://OU=Students,OU=Users,OU=Curric,DC=domain,DC=local
ForceDNSDomain – Default or DNSDomain – If set to domain.local it forces the tool to use that domain in a
multi-domain environment.
If Default it will use the default domain detected.
Save the settings.xml file
If you require alternative settings for different users, you can create multiple .xml’s containing your required settings,
and reference them from the shortcut using the customxml switch as below.
BCXChangePassword.exe customxml students.xml
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