BCX Network Managements Tools

BCX Software CA Installer Tool
BCX Software CA Installer Tool
BCX Software CA Installer Tool

Code Signing

Executables and scripts can be signed digitally to both guarantee that code has not been tampered with, and to prove the publishers identity.
Burconix supplied code that requires admin privileges is electronically signed with a certificate to enable validation via UAC.

Once the certificate is installed on your network, the code’s integrity will be verified as “Burconix Ltd Software” as the certified publisher.

Installing the Burconix Certificate to your Domain

Burconix provides a Tool which can be run on a DC from:
“\\bcxmaster\c$\Program Files (x86)\Tools\BCXSoftwareCA\BCXSoftwareCAInstaller.exe”
This has several options as shown below:

Option 1 will create a new GPO, shown below, and automatically deploy the Burconix certificate to all servers and stations on your network.
This option must be run from a DC.

Options 2-4 may be run on any station – They can Verify /Add/Remove the certificate locally,
and can be useful in testing a deployment before creating the GPO with option 1.


The certificate use is issued for code signing only, and cannot be used to validate/spoof websites.

Once added to Group Policy, it may take up to 30 mins to propagate around your network.
Endpoints may require a gpupdate or reboot to acquire the certificate.

All software signed by this certificate will show the publisher as “Burconix Ltd Software”

BCX Documentation - Last Updated 18/11/2019

BCX Network Management Tools | Burconix Ltd 2019 © All rights reserved.